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FOR EMERGENCIES 905-933-9386

Our Vision

Reaching out so Jesus can reach in.


We recognize people are on a journey and this is our vision for guiding them on a discipleship path: Come and see, come and learn, come and pray, come and believe, come and serve, go and make disciples... and bring them back home.

Our Mission

Our mission is to love God, love others and follow Christ.


We welcome everyone and hope to guide them to a deep and profound relationship with Christ.

Our values are: compassion, generosity, inclusivity, humility, love, honesty, joy and courage.

We create an exceptional Eucharistic experience. ​

Experiencing mass with us is special. 

From arriving on site, the parking, greeters, music, screens, servers, lectors, children’s liturgy and hospitality. All elements of the experience have been thoughtfully planned to support a connection with Christ.


Weekend Experience

We create an exceptional Eucharistic experience. 

Experiencing mass with us is special. 


From arriving on site, the parking, greeters, music, screens, servers, lectors, children’s liturgy and hospitality. All elements of the experience have been thoughtfully planned to support a connection with Christ.

Our 5 Strategic Anchors

This is how we reach out in our community and create the opportunity for Jesus to reach in.

We recognize people are on a journey and this is our vision for guiding them on a discipleship path: Come and see, come and learn, come and pray, come and believe, come and serve, go and make disciples... and bring them back home.


Growing our Community


Deepening our relationship with Christ


Extraordinary Leadership


Smart Systems

"Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he." - Proverbs 29:18

The critical importance of vision in maintaining direction and purpose. Without a clear vision from God, people may lose their way.

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